If you’re looking for a mood boost, turn up the tunes.
Since the dawn of time, music has bonded people. It creates social cohesion, while enhancing feelings of understanding and empathy. Studies show that listening to music releases oxytocin which increases our cognitive function, well-being, and ability to trust and act generously towards one another.
According to professor Kim Innes of West Virginia University’s School of Public Health, “Music seems to ‘selectively activate’ neurochemical systems and brain structures associated with positive mood, emotion regulation, attention and memory in ways that promote beneficial changes.”
When examining the effects meditation versus listening to music has on stress, mood, sleep, and quality of life, Innes’ findings showed that “both meditation and music listening are potentially powerful tools for improving overall health and well-being.”
When it comes to wellness activities, it’s not either, or. It’s both and more!
Understanding the positive impact music has on our well-being and having observed the benefits that live music has brought participants in my other business, SHOWGA (live music concerts on your yoga mat), we’ve spent time brainstorming how WellFests can incorporate music as a well-being tool, into our services.
Playing custom music during our waiting room experiences and creating curated playlists for daily workflow are some examples of how we’ve played around with this goal.
Last month, my friend Shaina Evoniuk, a professional musician, composer, and CoFounder of music collective, Jazz Mafia, and I were coincidentally both hired to work a corporate conference together. I was leading wellness breaks for the global staff and she was performing aerial violin.
We got talking about collaborative possibilities between a concert series she produces, called Jazz Mafia Tuesday’s and WellFests’ music breaks.
Cue the launch of our complementary workday wellness break series, Music That Moves Us!
From the backyard concert venue in Oakland, CA to your workstation.
At the start of the pandemic, Shaina and her husband and business partner, Adam Theis of Jazz Mafia, launched a backyard concert series as a part of a standing 20-year tradition of playing music on Tuesdays. Their full 60-minute concerts are now produced and broadcasted live on YouTube and Facebook.
I’ve had the absolute pleasure of attending their oasis venue for a handful of shows and am thrilled WellFests will be sharing the experience with you, in this new format. Here’s a behind the scenes clip from soundcheck from a summer show last year.
Boost your mood, attention and memory with music breaks!
Every Tuesday at 5pm EST in the month of March, join our scheduled broadcasts of 10-15 minute music breaks, featuring Jazz Mafia.
This is a complementary break, powered by WellFests, featuring Jazz Mafia. Join us for a few minutes of connectivity, creativity, and good old fashion fun with excerpts from their live concert series.