Fill Up Your Cup!
We can all agree on the importance of hydration. After all, we are made mostly of water, and we need to replenish ourselves as we breathe, pump blood, and use energy.
Imagine an empty glass. In the morning, you fill it with water, then begin your day’s activities. You drink, sweat, drink, work, drink, use the bathroom, drink, and finish the glass of water. You continue your day with more activities; working, walking, wondering, whatever. You feel thirsty. You try to drink more water from the glass. Being empty, you consume nothing and continue anyway. Because your mind and body need water, and you’re now operating at a deficit. You develop a headache, uncomfortable dry skin, and a sour taste in your mouth. Now in pain, you seek the glass again, still empty. You grow tired, irritable, and ineffective. At the end of your day, you try to sleep, and your rest is negatively affected by the lack of nourishment. You awake, and due to subpar sleep and physiological suffering, you forget to refill your glass. You get to work. The cycle continues. Your output, relationships, and enjoyment, all suffer. The quality of your life diminishes.
Maybe this slippery slope is hyperbolic or exaggerated. Maybe it highlights a common cycle in our lives, workplaces, and communities.
Replenish your mind and body:
Water is one example of a resource we need to repeatedly replenish. It makes up one important part of overall wellness. There are others too.
Another important part is movement. If we move in the beginning of the day, then spend the rest sedentary, our energy levels and abilities will suffer like the hypothetical water shortage above. We need to take breaks, move, and stretch.
These little actions function like little sips of water for our mind and body. They are vital to productivity, enjoyment of work, and mental / physical well-being.
Take breaks:
To help refill your cup, WellFests offers workday wellness breaks with guided breathwork and movement. These sync-ups are 15-minute live sessions, encouraged by your manager and attended by your teammates. If you can’t make live sessions, a library of hundreds of recordings are available on demand, so you can keep your glass full throughout your day, whenever you’re thirsty for movement and mindfulness.
We hope you’ll lean into the opportunity to take excellent care of yourself, so that you can do you best work, show up as your best self, and live your best life.
If that feels aligned with you, please consider signing up for a WellFests Sync-Up, checking out our workplace wellness e-book, or reaching out to us to learn more about other ways we can serve you.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, I’m here for you.