Be A Company That People Love To Work For
Be a company that people love to work for. Here’s how!
As the Great Reshuffle continues and employees shop around for new work opportunities, it’s vital that organizations understand what the next generation of leadership is looking for. How do you become a top contender for attracting and retaining talent?
According to Gallup, “Above all, Gen Z and Millennials want an employer who cares about their well-being.” Here are 3 areas of focus to help you show your people you care about them.
Provide safety and preparedness tools.
Is your staff prepared for the next natural disaster or emergency? Here are two benefit ideas that provide your team with peace of mind through preparedness.
Redfora is a top emergency preparedness kit with everything they’ll need in case of an emergency.
Will And A Way is a practical, secure, and easy to use guide that organizes the details of your life in case of a natural disaster, disability, or death. It’s not a will or a trust, but a new vital resource for safety and preparedness.
Encourage mental and physical wellness practices.
How are you supporting your team’s mental and physical well-being? Here are two benefits that support the mind and body in the workday.
Moments offers a physical product that prompts your team to pause, breathe, and reset in their day. Add “The Moment Pebble” to your new hire kit, team-building event, or as a holiday gift.
WellFests’ virtual well-being breaks offer expert-led, desk friendly sessions that support your team’s mental and physical health on an on-going basis. Invite your team to join the scheduled broadcasts or access video recordings and take breaks on-demand.
Cultivate human connection and alignment of values.
Bring your team together in meaningful ways. Offsite makes it easy for you to build a world-class culture through retreats and team building events. Save time, money, and stress while creating amazing experiences for your people to connect and grow.
According to a LinkedIn survey, 80% of Gen Z want to work for an organization that aligns with their values. Share your stance around supporting women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, inclusion, and diversity.
You’re only as good as your team. Be a company that people love to work for. We hope these suggestions support you as you create a culture that top talent dreams of!