Your Secret Weapon For Stress Management And 3 Ways To Access It
Meet your secret weapon for easing anxiety, regulating your nervous system, and decreasing stress.
Cue the music, enter stage left, introducing… the vagus nerve.
This physiological superhero is a cranial nerve connecting the body to the brain, easing the fight or flight system that’s triggered through heightened levels of stress.
How do you stimulate the vagus nerve?
There are a few activities that you can integrate into your daily routines to stimulate the vagus nerve.
Deep belly breathing
As CEO of Thrive Global, CoFounder of Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington eloquently states below, “life is shaped through the inside out”. That couldn’t be more spot on when considering the power of the vagus nerve and our ability to regulate our experience through the simple act of deep, intentional breathing. Drop into your body and into your breath for vagus nerve bliss.
Activate your vocal cords
Singing and loud gargling of water also activates the vagus nerve. Do both in the shower for heightened relaxation.
Cold water face immersion
I’ve spent November up on the Puget Sound, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean at the top northwest corner of the US. Since I’ve been here, I start each day with a face dunk directly into the ocean. It’s quite the wakeup call and an immediate stress reliever, courtesy of vagus nerve stimulation. I notice an immediate difference with how I feel going into my workday, post face plunge.
Good morning!
7a.m. this morning, after a face plunge into the pudet sound :)
Access your secret weapon with simple daily practices!
Boost your mood by integrating quick exercises that stimulate your vagus nerve. The Well-Being Sync-Up calendar is a fantastic resource for this, scheduling guided breathing exercises and gentle stretches into daily workflow. Register below and share the secret weapon with your team!